fredag 13 september 2013

Part two of questions.

8: What food do you wish you could eat and not gain a pound?
- hm, everything? I love unhealthy food for some reason and would love if I could eat all of that without ever gaining a pound. That's a true dream. Haha.
9: Where do you go for advice?
- I go to my dear dad if a want an advice, he is the best and will always be. He always know what to say when I feel sad or need to get motivated. He is the greatest.
10: Tell us your cheesiest knock knock joke
- I do not know one, I'm so sorry for being boring. 
11: If you could punch any famous person in the face, who would it be?
- Well, I'm not the kind of person who punch people BUT there was this one time where Perez Hilton said this very stupid thing so I honestly think that he can get a punch for that time.
12: Name 5 songs which you know all the lyrics to.
- Oh, this is a hard one, now I really have to think hard. Here we go; Psy with his Gangnam Style, Legenden with Niello, What makes you beautiful with 1D, Show must go on with Queen and Bowies Life on mars. I know the lyrics to all these songs.
13: Are you superstitious? and if so, with what?
- I do not think I am really :(
14: If you could live in one movie, which one would it be?
- I think this one is quite easy, I would wanna live in Harry Potter as a cool character, like Harry Potter or like Draco Malfoy. Also I would be could to do magic, I would probably over use it aswell...

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